Merry Christmas and a happy new Year
On this day of Christmas and as we approaching to the end of the year, Christmas period is a moment of reflection, solidarity and hope for the world and people in need. Christians around the world belonging to various churches and traditions celebrate the miracle of Bethlehem as a saviour and new life.
During last years with the emerging Covid-19 pandemic situation and new arrangements and measures in order to stop it, people around the world encountered with new reality and often harsh moments. Within this reality, also our people in homeland and in diaspora passed challenging times.
While this situation demands urgent help, cooperation and solidarity ongoing political, economic and societalalterations around the world and especially in the Middle East, Christians and our people, minority and ethnic religious groups need special attention and care. From Lebanon to Syria, above mentioned groups face existential treats and survival dilemma. In order to stop this haemorrhage, international community, human rights and humanitarian organisations should support these communities in need. Our people everywhere should show great example of solidarity and help.
In this day of Christmas and approaching to welcome new year, we in the ESU, wish you all blessed Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We took also this opportunity to present you our gratitude for your support and help to ESU which precious for the presence and future of our people. We continues as always to stand for and with our people everywhere.