Call for support for demining of Khabur region to allow Syriac-Assyrian people to return safely

Last weeks the Syriac Military Council (MFS), Sutoro forces, YPG and YPJ have been able to liberate the villages of Khabur and mount Abdul Aziz from IS.

After the liberation of the Khabur region from IS, the area faces a new challenge. More than 6000 of different kinds of mines have been laid by IS in the villages of Khabur.

Thousands of Syriac-Assyrian families still remain in the canton of Gozarto, mainly in Al-Hassaka and Al-Qamishli. These families can only return safely to their homes, when the international community support a demining action.

Enabling their return will seal the victory over ISIS and prevent thousands of people to emigrate from Syria.

We call the EU Member States, US, Canada and other involved countries to support demining the Khabur region.

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