ESU welcome recognition of 1915 genocide by Dutch parliament
On February 22, with the initiative of Christian Union political party, Dutch Parliament recognized genocide of 1915 against Armenians, Syriacs and Greek Pontics with majority.
The genocide of 1915 perpetrated by Ottoman-Turkish rule against Christian entities as Armenians, Syriacs and Greek Pontics is considered as the first century which resulted with the annihilation of more than two millions of innocent souls, hundred of thousands victim of death marches and also hundreds of islamized and orphaned women and children. Moreover, the genocide of 1915 also caused social, cultural and economical destruction of Armenians, Syriacs and Greek Pontics.
The recognition of 1915 genocide by Dutch Parliament is crucial step toward accept of past atrocities and remember them at a time of minorities and vulnerable groups face another genocide in the Middle East.
We believe that recognition of 1915 genocide by Dutch parliamentarians will send clear message to Turkey to also recognize past events as Turkey pass through unprecedented period with high record of human rights abuses and also against minorities, including the issue of Syriac properties in Turabdin.
On behalf of ESU, we present our deep gratitude to the members of the Dutch Parliament and especially to the m Christian Union and dear MP Jöel Voordewind for their courageous stand for truth and justice.